PianoPlayland.Club started during the coronavirus quarantine, when Miss Stacey was wondering what she could do to make things easier on kids and their families.
What she came up with was a free piano course to introduce kids to music and the release playing music can bring.

Our cartoon friends love to make learning piano easy and more fun. They also like to tell silly jokes at the end of each lesson.
Miss Stacey Trivia:
- Miss Stacey has taught music and piano to large groups of children, small groups and one-on-one
- Miss Stacey has over 30 years of experience playing piano
- She also plays guitar, uke, flute, clarinet, oboe, bass clarinet, drums, etc. Piano is her favorite instrument
- She has performed at lots of schools, malls, outdoor arenas, bookstores, churches and other events
- She is a songwriter and thinks it’s one of the most relaxing hobbies you can choose
- Miss Stacey recorded an album in Nashville when she was in her 20’s
- Miss Stacey also has surfed, scuba dived, parasailed and rappelled, but she doesn’t plan to do any of those things again, even though they were fun! 🙂
We hope you enjoy the piano! Contact us if you have questions or comments.